Best Sinnoh Pokemon For Competitive Battling

2022-08-13 05:01:52 By : Ms. Dela Chen

Thinking of using some Pokemon from Sinnoh in competitive? Try these.

Generation Four is a favorite among many a Pokemon fan, and for good reason. Many of the Sinnoh region's Pokemon have become iconic for one reason or another, but how well have they fared in the competitive space?

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Spoiler alert: they've done pretty damn well for themselves in that department, too. Not only do Sinnoh Pokemon have a strong presence in the premier OverUsed tier, but some of the more dominant forces in lower tiers also tend to be from this region. At least in the current-day meta, the 15 Pokemon listed below represent Sinnoh to the fullest and do their region proud.

This list will not include Pokemon banned to Ubers, regional variants of Sinnoh Pokemon, or Hisuian Pokemon.

The ever-popular Lucario is a premier offensive Pokemon in its tier, thanks to its high mixed attacking stats and wide movepool. Its STAB combination is nigh unstoppable, with Extreme Speed being an excellent finishing blow, and its access to Swords Dance enhances its potential further.

That said, it's somewhat lacking in the Speed and Defense departments, giving it a lot of opposing Pokemon that could potentially check it. It's also a bit difficult to set up with for that reason, and it comes with very few options for longevity, especially when equipped with a Life Orb.

Roserade is a unique Pokemon: a solid wallbreaker with rare Spikes support. It's a great option to give opposing teams a different look in terms of entry hazards, and it packs a pretty big punch with its specially offensive tools.

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Alongside Spikes, it has a great twosome of STAB moves with Sludge Bomb and either Giga Drain or Leaf Storm, with either Synthesis or Sleep Powder as excellent choices for that last move slot. Its Natural Cure ability gives it great insurance against status conditions, too. Its atrocious Physical Defense gives opposing teams an easy avenue to check it, though.

This Fairy and Flying type is a unique blend of bulk, offensive potential, and clerical capabilities. The first thing you might notice is its high base stat total of 545, most of which is dedicated to Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense.

The good stuff comes from its ability, Serene Grace, which allows a move like Air Slash to maximize its flinching chances. That's best alongside Nasty Plot for set-up, Roost for longevity, and a coverage move to check Steel-types. It's a bit slow, though, so the cohort of Pokemon it can safely deal offense against is pretty slim.

Bronzong's build gives it fantastic defensive potential. With the Steel and Psychic typing alongside Levitate to eliminate the Steel type's biggest weakness, and with the defensive stats it has, Bronzong has been a great blanket defensive check.

It doesn't have much chops offensively, though, with just 89 Attack. Heavy Slam and Gyro Ball are nice niche moves to have access to, but aside from that, its best tools offensively are Toxic and Stealth Rock chip damage. Still, its defensive abilities can't be overlooked, as it checks a lot of its tier's strongest and can take most hits for days.

Similarly to Swampert in higher tiers, Gastrodon has used its Water and Ground typing to be a solid defensive Pokemon with some offensive capabilities. Its Earth Power doesn't pack a huge punch, but it's a good blanket check to some of the stronger Pokemon in its tier, especially when paired with good coverage like Scald or Ice Beam.

It also has access to Recover, giving it some much-needed longevity, and moves like Toxic and Clear Smog provide good support. That said, it's not an offensive powerhouse by any means, and there are a lot of Grass types in its tier.

Though very one-dimensional, Rhyperior completely dominates the physical side of things statistically. 115 HP, 140 Attack, and 130 Defense are nothing to sneeze at.

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It's commonly used as a wallbreaker with Stealth Rock support, with its STAB Stone Edge and Earthquake (known colloquially as EdgeQuake) packing a gigantic punch. Its defensive stuff on the physical end is unrivaled, too, thanks to its Solid Rock ability that renders most Fighting-type moves unreliable. That said, it can be tough to pull off attacks with its 40 Speed, and its Special Defense is horrendous, leaving it weak to bulky special Water and Grass types.

In some capacity, Azelf is a relic of its time, being the premier leadoff Pokemon in its debut generation. Its sheer combination of Speed, offensive power and coverage, ability to kamikaze with moves like Explosion, and entry hazard support were a staple in that era of competitive battling.

A lot of those traits still apply today, but Generation Eight's meta hasn't relied as much on its services as a lead. Still, its offensive capabilities are a force to be reckoned with in its tier, with Nasty Plot as a suitable set-up move and coverage moves galore in its learnset.

If Ferrothorn didn't exist, Tangrowth would've probably been the premier defensive Grass type, and it certainly holds that title in tiers outside the elite OverUsed. The Regenerator ability, as well as great HP and Defense stats, prove its defensive worth, and its offensive stats showcase its ability as a prototypical tank.

To remedy its biggest weakness, which is its 50 Special Defense, most sets run with an Assault Vest and a plethora of strong coverage moves such as Knock Off, Earthquake, and Sludge Bomb. That said, it's still not comfortable against certain offensive prototypes, like fast special Fire types.

The Fire and Water types are the best of the Rotom appliance bunch, as their typings provide the most potential for their statistical blueprints, both offensively and defensively. Neither are immediate attacking threats, but both play great in either defensive pivot or set-up wallbreaker roles.

Rotom Heat provides a marginally better offensive fit, with its STAB combination giving it more super-effective options. Rotom Wash provides more potential as a defensive blanket check, resisting more offensive types. Either way, both provide good support alongside Volt Switch and their respective STAB moves, with Toxic and Defog also in their arsenals.

In the ever-fabled roster of weather setters, Hippowdon makes its name as arguably the best sand-setter in the game. Alongside its Sand Stream ability, it's a great physical wall and utility Pokemon.

It provides said utility with Stealth Rock, Toxic, and sometimes Whirlwind, and it has access to Slack Off for longevity. Offensively, its solid Attack stat makes STAB Earthquake hit decently hard, providing a nice check to defensively mediocre Fire types and so on. That said, its subpar Special Defense leaves it prone to big damage from especially offensive Water- and Grass-type coverage.

Mamoswine comes from a somewhat unique offensive mold, not blessed with a great Speed stat but known regardless as a feared revenge killer. Its build gives it a bunch of unique benefits, too, such as a distinct and strong STAB combination, and immunity to Intimidate and Taunt from the Oblivious ability.

Its most compatible moves are Earthquake, Icicle Crash, and particularly Ice Shard. That said, it has no set-up options to speak of, so it has a hard time getting past true physical walls, and its own defensive abilities aren’t great, either.

Fellow Ice type, Weavile beats its opponent to the punch, with its 120 Attack and 125 Speed. It's a similarly good revenge killer and one of the most dangerous offensive Pokemon from Sinnoh because of that, any morsel of defensive ability be damned.

It carries a great offensive (but horrible defensive) typing, giving it STAB for both Knock Off and one of the best type-based move pools out there. Its access to Swords Dance improves its offensive potential further, making it viable for either a wallbreaker or set-up sweeper role.

This Steel and Electric type has a unique ability that gives it a never-before-seen niche. Magnezone's Magnet Pull ability allows it to trap opposing Steel types on the floor, essentially giving its team the momentum equal to a pivot and making it quite useful in an OverUsed meta with regulars like Corviknight and Ferrothorn.

Alongside that comes excellent wallbreaking capabilities, thanks to its 130 Special Attack. It comes with underrated defensive potential, too, thanks to its 115 Defense, 90 Special Defense, and a slew of resistances. Its main weaknesses are its Speed, which leaves it prone to getting revenge killed, and Ground-type offense.

Even as the pseudo-Legendary pool has kept growing, and as newer additions like Hydreigon and Dragapult have made their presences felt, Garchomp has stood pat as a premier attacking option in that class. Its sheer power and versatility have ensured its place among the cream of the crop.

It can go all-out offensive or tanky depending on its build. The standard selection of Dragon-type moves and Earthquake work together as a fantastic STAB combo, alongside either coverage moves or Swords Dance set-up. Its defensive potential isn't shabby either, with the Ice and Fairy types being its most glaring weaknesses.

Most of Sinnoh’s truly great Legendary and Mythical Pokemon are banned to Ubers, but Heatran has managed to slip through the cracks, and dominates the OverUsed tier as a result. It provides funky defensive matchups for opponents of many sizes and colors, making it an incredibly viable anti-meta wallbreaker.

It’s statistically excellent, too, with 130 Special Attack and 106 in both defensive stats. That ensures a high-powered Magma Storm, alongside Earth Power for coverage, Toxic for chip damage, and Taunt to keep set-up sweepers honest. It's not perfect, though, as Ground, Water, and most Dragon types check it quite easily.

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Kyle Laurel is a college student from the Philippines. He spent around three years as a freelance writer before becoming a list writer for The Gamer. He grew up around Pokémon and writes about that the most. You can battle him on Pokémon Showdown (juantum physics, Gen 8 OU or Random Battle).