Del Mar's First Post Friday, August 19 Shifted to 3 P.M - Past The Wire

2022-08-13 05:02:24 By : Ms. Amy Cao

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DEL MAR, Calif.—Del Mar will be off and running Friday, August 19 a bit earlier at 3 p.m. instead of the usual 4 p.m. start time.

The Friday switch to 3 p.m. will be the first of four such Friday changes – Friday August 19 and 26 and September 2 and 9 – going through to the track’s final September 9, 10, 11 weekend. The change is being brought into play to ensure that the track has enough light to run its final races in a safe and viewable manner with sunset coming earlier in the late afternoon as summer nears its end.

Besides the Friday adjustments, Del Mar also will alter its first post times on its other racing days with the turn of the calendar to the month of September. Instead of the usual 2 p.m. first post, the track will present a 1 p.m. start for all of its Thursday, Saturday and Sunday cards, as well as the special Monday program on Labor Day, September 5.

DMTC Press Release Photo by Benoit

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