You don’t need big ideas and grand visions to do great things. All you need, really, is a seed of an idea, or, as you’ll soon see, a kernel of inspiration.
In March 2020 as the country (and the world, really) faced what would be the beginning of a two-year pandemic, Alabamans Phillip and Avrie Powell did the impossible: they opened a business. And not just any old business: a vegetarian, gourmet, fire-roasted-corn, food-truck business. In Birmingham, Alabama. This is the story of how two ordinary people set their sights on something bigger and greater, not only succeeding, but thriving, inspiring, and setting world records along the way. This is the story of Aww Shucks, a unicorn of a business in Birmingham.
So go ahead, make all the corn-related jokes you want. But this food truck is anything but corny; they’re putting Birmingham, Alabama, on the culinary map, which, if you ask us, is nothing short of a-maize-ing.
Many thanks to Phillip and Avrie Powell for sharing the story of her inspiring and inspired small business in Alabama. Learn more about Aww Shucks at its website, Facebook, and Instagram pages.
Of course, Aww Shucks is just one of the many small businesses affecting positive change in Alabama; please nominate your favorite attractions and businesses for a chance to be featured in an upcoming Only In Alabama article. And be sure to follow Only In Alabama on Facebook and Instagram to learn about this region of the Cotton State’s most incredible places, attractions, and events.