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  • Boost the value of your home

    by admin on 2022-05-28 23:28:31

    A well-designed visual setting is only one aspect of home decor. It has now evolved into a form of self-expression, almost meditative in nature. While establishing a distinct identity for its occupant,, it is the source of a sense of belonging. The value of such a space can only be measured in

  • IED's alumni yellowdot studio goes egg-stra with pendant lamp 'hatch'

    by admin on 2022-05-28 23:28:28

    Designers Bodin Hon and Dilara Kan whisk together eggshells with playfulness and creativity for pendant lamp ‘Hatch’. The founders of Yellowdot studio and IED Milano Alumni from Master in Design, Innovation, Strategy and Product, handcraft with egg-streme care a two-month collectio

  • Learn How Different Types Of Lighting Can Create The Right Mood In Your Home MyrtleBeachSC News

    by admin on 2022-05-28 23:28:27

    There are so many different types of lighting to choose from when you are decorating your home. It can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. This blog post will discuss the different types of lighting and how they can create the right mood in your h

  • Best dimmable LED light bulbs 2022

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    Pocket-lint is supported by its readers. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

    (Pocket-lint) - Having the wrong lights can really upset the balance of a room - if they're too bright you might feel like you're being interrogated, whe

  • Zhiyun Smooth Q3 Gimbal review: Small, feature-packed, and well lit | AppleInsider

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  • Zhiyun Smooth Q3 smartphone gimbal review - The Gadgeteer

    by admin on 2022-05-28 23:27:13

    REVIEW – Content creators are everywhere these days.  Photos are great, but video still rules for compelling content.  Nothing destroys a clip more quickly than jerky video.  It can make the content borderline unwatchable. Zhiyun has released their new Zhiyun Smooth Q3 smartphone gimbal.�

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    by: Suzannah Kolbeck, BestReviews Staff

    by: Suzannah Kolbeck, BestReviews Staff

    Lighting in a room is like frosting on a cake. Not only does it pull the design of the entire room together, but 

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    by: Suzannah Kolbeck, BestReviews Staff

    by: Suzannah Kolbeck, BestReviews Staff

    Lighting in a room is like frosting on a cake. Not only does it pull the design of the entire room together, but