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© 2022 MJH Life Sciences™ and Endocrinology Network. All rights reserved.
Conference | Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists
Few fields in medicine have the amount of intersectionality as heart failure and diabetes management. Decades in the future, many may wonder why it took both fields so long to recognize the sizable overlap between the conditions and impact they have on the quality of life among patients. With the revelations of the cardiorenal protective benefits of newer antidiabetes agents, namely SGLT2 inhibitors, driving this emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach, clinicians have been tasked with absorbing mountains of new data and applying it to clinical practice.
At the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) 2022 Annual meeting, this intersectionality between diabetes and heart failure management took centerstage during a presentation led by Christine Schumacher, PharmD, a professor of pharmacy practice at Midwestern University College of Pharmacy. With an interest in learning more about heart failure management in patients with diabetes, Endocrinology Network reached out to Schumacher and fellow presenter Elizabeth Van Dril, PharmD, a clinical assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. That conversation is the subject of the video found below.